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Week Two of Inktober 2018 – and a nomination!

Writer: StudioNIBStudioNIB

Here are my daily drawings for the second week of Inktober 2018.

On Day 8, the prompt word was ‘Star’.

It’s been a very hectic week, as I’m moving house in a short time and have been busy with preparation, and with a work-load of deadlines I’m trying to clear up before the move. I’m beginning to regret taking on Inktober this year, but hanging in, just about!

On Day 9 the prompt word was ‘Precious’, so I had some fun with Tolkien.

All of these drawings have been created on the day with my usual choice of Pilot Hi-Tec-C pens, no special theme, just my immediate response to the official Inktober prompts. Due to limited time, I’ve tended to just get stuck in straight away, so the subject matters vary quite a bit!

On Day 10, and the prompt word was “Flowing”

On Day 11 the prompt was “Cruel”.  Persecution of wildlife for sport is something I’m deeply concerned about. Keep the Hunting Ban!

I’m not moving far, currently I’m on the edge of Norwich, but have found my outlying location somewhat remote from the hub of the city, so am moving closer into town. As a non-driver and former London & central Tokyo resident I’ve never really felt at ease in the quiet suburbs, so the centre of town beckons. More on the house move later!

Day 12 and the prompt word was “Whale”.

As the week wore on time limitations started to take their toll, and the weekend saw me working all the way through too – these last were drawn right at the end of the day, just about squeezed in!

Day 13 for the prompt word “Guarded”. Drawn with a hard-point sepia Kuretake pen for a change. Late in the evening again? “Tut, tut!”

Day 14, and the word is “Clock”. Very apt, as I was working all day on Sunday, so just time to to scribble this last minute.

My other news this week is the announcement of the candidates for the 2019 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award at the Frankfurt Book Fair.  To my great delight I can reveal that I’ve once more been chosen as one of the nominees from the UK.

I was absolutely astonished to hear of my selection last year, the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award is one of the most important children’s book prizes in the world, my inclusion in the list of 235, a tiny figure amongst all the giants of publishing, did a tremendous amount to make me take stock, and reassess my work in publishing.

That I’ve once more been singled out for the 2019 shortlist is remarkable, and incredibly humbling. Though I personally doubt I have anything approaching the stature or worthiness to win, as one of the organisers told me at Bologna, it’s not the award that’s important, everyone on the selection list is honoured. My deepest gratitude to those who’ve nominated me.



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All illustration images © John Shelley, not to be used without permission art(at)jshelley(dot)com

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