Here are some more random meanderings from my doodle-pad sketchbook.

As I’ve previously mentioned, I tend to sketch and doodle when I’m on the train. However following my move to Norwich the occasions for making train journeys have decreased drastically, opportunities for doodling reveries have hence become rarer.

When I’m in the studio I turn my thoughts mainly towards work and deadlines, in particular when my daughter returns home from school sketches are especially far from my thoughts. However this is a historical and creative city, there are numerous interesting cafes in the Norwich Lanes area and parts of the old town. if I can get into town I often drop into one of these cafe’s for lunch with my sketchbook and story ideas note-book, plant myself in a corner and scribble away over a latte and sandwich.

Recently although I’m pretty tied up with deadlines right now, even if I stay in the studio at lunchtime, rather than hunch over a laptop I try to use the time to doodle for a short while.

Nomatter how busy I am with commissioned work, finding just a little time every day to draw freely is important therapy for the mind and imagination.

More to come….