As a repeat of a successful exhibition last year, SCBWI in Romania organised a second illustration show Imaginary Journeys combining work by name international illustrators with Romanian artists in Cărtureşti Bookshop, Bucharest, and once more kindly invited me to participate. The show was widely covered by the media and opened on 4th October. there was a big reception on 8th October, and the show was eventually extended 2 days beyond the planned closing date to the 17th. The Romanian Cultural News website set up an online gallery showcasing some of the works, which is still running. The exhibition is to be shown again from the 25th to 29th November at the Gaudeamus Book Fair and in March 2010 at Cărtureşti bookstores in Timisoara and Cluj.
From the press release: “The exhibition’s theme is one of the most appreciated in children’s literature all around the world, one that attracts the imagination of illustrators and gives them a greater freedom than any other subject: The Journey – traveling to far-away places, exotic ones (the North Pole, Asia, Africa), space travel, imaginary travel (The Other Lands, Dwarfs World, Ice Queen Palace).
Among participants you can find: Bridget Strevens-Marzo (International llustrator Coordinator SCBWI), John Shelley (freelance illustrator that started his career in London, author of Hoppy’s New House and The House of the World), Brian Karas (author awarded with numerous prizes like New York Times Book Review Best Illustrated Books, Boston Globe-Horn Book Award), Lois Bradley, Doug Cushman and many others. In the exhibition you can see also the books of Romanian authors and illustrators from which illustrations were chosen – “Prinţul în palatul de sticlă”, “Ziua în care a fugit somnul”, “Legenda Sfântului Valentin”.”
Due to the success of the show SCBWI hopes to repeat this as an annual event. Many thanks to Alina Darian of „Soarele si Luna” Publishers and members of SCBWI Romania for making the exhibition such a great success.