Daughter Seren and I are back in the chilly UK now after 3 wonderful weeks in Tokyo. My exhibition Kingdoms Curious at Pinpoint Gallery was a great success, with over 200 attendees over the two weeks. Following the show I gave a presentation to SCBWI Tokyo on creating “Power Portfolios”, if I get some event snapshots I’ll post them here, but in the meantime here’s a few snippets from the exhibition.
Seren made herself very useful setting up the show.

A few panoramas of the gallery. Pinpoint is a relatively small space, but ideally located right in the middle of the fashionable Aoyama district and highly focused on children’s books. For a book illustrator it’s the perfect size for a solo show. There were 32 pictures on display altogether, mainly from my published picture books like The Boat in the Tree and The House of the World, but with a number of graphic works created especially for the show too.
The majority of images represented a selection of work from the last three years.
I was in the gallery for around 4 hours every day. Seren was occupied by a growing number of activities, games and gifts and was an angel… for the first week at least!
A few of my more recent books released in Japan were on sale, like the Japanese edition of Jenny Nimmo’s Charlie Bone series (Tokuma Shoten), and Zipper-kun to Chaku no Maho (Rironsha).