New studio, open for business!
Ah, back at last!! I’ve been avoiding social media for a time, chiefly due to a series of hurdles following our big house move, volunteer commitments, and recently more than anything just catching up with illustration deadlines. These last three weeks in particular have seen the studio candles burning very late into the night on my latest job, in fact through the night on a couple of occasions, all for a single newspaper job. I’ll talk about this in full once it’s gone to press, but here’s some sneaky details, it’s a large map of the world…
land of sables, cold vodka and horse wrestlers
…yes, self portraits sneaked in!
Blimey, so much has happened over the summer – new book, new poster, a bunch of other illustrations, so much to talk about.
With the pressure mounting then, I deliberately stepped back from social media until much of this was sorted, so I was on hiatus from mail groups, Facebook, Twitter and other cyber distractions including blogs, at least until things were more settled.
But now, finally, I’m on top of deadlines, daughter and I are comfortably moved into our new home, with new studio, and a new assistant…..

Our little Pixie is not much help with achieving deadlines, but she’s learning, never under estimate fairy folk. I’m confident she’ll be wielding a paint brush soon enough!
