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Selected Picture Books

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Magic for sale

Holiday House Publishers, 

Words: Carrie Clickard
Illustrator: John Shelley
Hardcover | Pages: 32
Size: 8-1/2 X 11
ISBN: 9780823435593
Age: 4-8

"Shelley expands on Clickard’s tally of witchly and wizardly stock in trade by further cramming every nook and shelf in sight with precisely detailed arcane items and thrillingly icky specimens.

One-stop shopping for all your elixir, potion, and spellcasting needs. Jinxes 50 percent off!" —Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review)

Georgie McQuist has been double dared to enter the scariest place around, a shop filled with oddities and marvels that will fascinate young readers. There, he meets a trapped ghost tasked with inventorying the shop. . . . For children who always have their heads in the clouds, this title will whisk them away with its fantastical setting and fun rhymes.”—School Library Journal


夜空をみあげようYozora o Miage yo (Look at the Night Sky)

Words: 松村由利子 Yuriko Matsumura

Illustrations: ジョン・シェリー John Shelley
福音館書店 Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers,

Tokyo, 2016

Hardcover | Pages: 32

Size 29×21cm

ISBN: 978-4-8340-8259-3


夕暮れ時、いちばん星をみつけたはるか。夜空をみあげていると、いろいろなことに気づきます。星にも色があること、双眼鏡で三日月をのぞくと、ぼんやり丸く見えたこと……ある日見つけた「なかなか消えない流れ星」は、なんと国際宇宙ステーションでした! 都会の空にも、宇宙の神秘を感じられるすてきなシーンがたくさんあるのです。最後は、ペルセウス座流星群を見に山へ! 双眼鏡だけで十分楽しい、夜空観察入門です。(出版社から)

A story following Haruka's exploration of the night sky, beginning with stars seen from her city apartment balcony, and culminating in a camping trip to see the glories of the Milky Way and the Perseid meteor shower.

Will’s Words: How William Shakespeare Changed the Way You Talk

Words: Jane Sutcliffe
Illustrations: John Shelley

Charlesbridge Publishers
Hardcover | Pages: 40
Size: 10.4 x 10.3
ISBN: 9781580896382 (Hardback)

ISBN 9781580896399 (Paperback)
Age: 7-10


"A beautifully presented, original approach to the playwright's lasting contributions to the English language" — School Library Journal (starred review)

"Shelley's artwork is a lively accompaniment, delicate in color and linework but bustling as only a big population in small confines can be" — Kirkus Reviews

"It's the illustrations that steal the show. Each spread is crowded with intricate, colorful details that seem to spring to life in, for instance, a cutaway of backstage actions, the crowd arriving for an afternoon's performance, how different social classes positioned themselves during the play, London street scenes, and so on. These watercolor and pen-and-ink images invite endless searching of the crowds' unique faces and Thames River vistas" — Booklist


Cybils Award, Elementary/Juvenile Non-Fiction

Shortlisted, Towner Award

Crinkle, Crackle, Crack, It's Spring!

Words: Marion Dane Bauer
Illustrations: John Shelley

Holiday House Publishers
Hardcover | Pages: 32
Size: 10.4 x 10.3
ISBN: 9780823429523 (Hardback)

ISBN 9781580896399 (Paperback)

ISBN 978-4-89309-598-5 C8771 (Japanese edition ブロンズ新社「はるのおとをきこえるよ」)

ISBN: 978-7-5645-2166-0 (Chinese edition 郑州大学出版社 「雪夜的怪声」)

Age: 7-10


“Soft watercolor and ink illustrations are playful and detail-rich”—The Horn Book Guide

“Great for reading aloud and just right for springtime story hours, this is a fanciful version of how dramatic the change of season can sometimes seem.”—Booklist

Wild Child Best Children’s Book for Spring

Stone Giant - Michelangelo’s David and How He Came to Be

Words: Jane Sutcliffe
Illustrations: John Shelley

Charlesbridge Publishers
Hardcover | Pages: 32
Size: 22.6 x 1 x 28.7 cm
ISBN: 978-1580892957 (Hardback)

Japanese edition 「石の巨人」
ISBN 978-4-338-28201-7 (小峰書店)

Age: 6-9

NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People

Bank Street CBC Best Children's Books of the Year


“Shelley wondrously juxtaposes this cool, nuanced marble hero with a crowded city, brimming with the bright colors and lively action of Renaissance book illuminations.
“This is a handsome offering that helps youngsters understand both an artist’s process and how this stunning statue became the enduring symbol of a city and its people”—
Kirkus Reviews

"This well-written, lively account is graced with excellent illustrations, rendered in pen-and-ink and painted with watercolors, that truly convey a Renaissance Italian flavor; there's even an image of Michelangelo's sketches for the statue with a poem he wrote about it"—School Library Journal

“Shelley’s detailed pen-and-ink illustrations will be appreciated even by older readers. (Before you ask, yes, the sculpture is depicted in all its nude glory.) In a style reminiscent of Peter Sís or Tomie de Paola, Sutcliffe and Shelley often expand the text by having a full-page drawing with a storyboard strip along the top, while other times they use circular illustrations with borders. Art teachers especially would do well to seek this out.”—Booklist

ジャックと豆の木 Jack to Mame no Ki (Jack and the Beanstalk)

Words & Illustrations: John Shelley

Translation: Yuko Obika

再話・絵: ジョン・シェリー
訳: おびかゆうこ

福音館書店 Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers (Japan)
Hardcover | Pages: 44
Size: 31×24cm
ISBN: 978-4834027419 (Hardback)
Age: 4+


The classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk retold and illustrated by John Shelley, based on the version of Joseph Jacobs.


Halloween forest

Words: Marion Dane Bauer
Illustrations: John Shelley

Holiday House Publishers
Hardcover | Pages: 32
Size: 10.4 x 10.3
ISBN: 9780823423248 (Hardback)

ISBN: 9780823440382 (Paperback)
Age: 4-8

"Shelley’s superbly detailed illustrations in pen, India ink and watercolor help build suspense as the child goes from the city into the intricately twining bony landscape. A dusky palette dominated by grays and muted pastels turns brighter when the child’s spunky confidence is revealed.

"Elegantly designed, this collaboration shows a great respect for children’s sensibilities regarding the fine lines between fear, fun and bravery. This title should be at the top of the book pile come autumn"—Kirkus Reviews

Perfect for trick-or-treaters who can take some honest-to-gosh spooking, Bauer’s simple story involves a boy who exits his safe neighborhood to seek treats in the woods. There he finds a forest made of bones—a breathtaking, intricate creation by Shelley, featuring trunks of fibulas and scapulas and branches of grasping fingers. . . . this is just the sort of thing that sears itself into young brains.”—Booklist

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All illustration images © John Shelley, not to be used without permission art(at)jshelley(dot)com

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